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Business Property Insurance

Protecting your business assets and lifestyle is our number one priority. Let us create a plan that does just that.

Coverage Highlights

There are many factors to consider when providing business property insurance. There are location, risk, fire, flood, theft, inventory, furniture, fixtures, signs and stored data to name a few. Let us at Corporate Financial help you address all of your unique exposures and provide you with the most comprehensive property insurance to fit your specific needs. Whether you rent, own, or lease a business property in a single location or on multiple sites, we can help you protect your firm’s property.


Here are some of the types of business property insurance that we offer:


  • Fire

  • Theft

  • Natural catastrophe including, earthquake, flood, and wind

  • Mechanical and electrical breakdown

  • Terrorism

  • Business interruption, supply chain, and other time issues

  • Builder's Risk

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