Employee Education
& Communication Plans
Our goal is to help you cultivate an employee-employer communication and education plan that supports your business’s goals.
Coverage Highlights
Effective communication is a vital aspect of the employer-employee relationship. An effective employee benefits program is one that is valued, well utilized, and has a strong communication strategy. Educating your employees on the benefits offered cultivates loyalty and appreciation for the employer’s investment towards the employees’ health and wellbeing.
Corporate Financial works with clients to develop customized employee education and communication plans in a variety of formats such as paper, electronic, and in-person employee meetings, especially before open enrollment periods. We facilitate the enrollment process with the selected vendors to ensure a positive and efficient process for your employees. We will actively coordinate and participate in employee enrollment meetings to support the human resources/benefits team in presenting the benefit solutions offered, as well as to help answer questions.
There are a host of enrollment solutions that can be customized to complement existing enrollment methods or provide new methods, and Corporate Financial works with you to evaluate and implement the enrollment methodology that best fits your needs.