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Financial Needs Questionnaire

Our Financial Needs Questionnaire is designed to help assess your top planning concerns and prepare for them. It is a simple, yet comprehensive form that will help you identify your current insurance coverage and any gaps that may exist. Once submitted and reviewed, our team can help you find the best coverage for the most competitive rates.


Get started today and let us help you secure the protection you need.

General Information
Step 1

Section 1: Answer the following questions to help identify your areas of concern.

1. Protecting the Business Against the Loss of Key Employee(s) 

a. Are there any individuals including yourself whose loss (if the individual voluntarily left or died) would pose a significant financial hardship to the business?
If yes, has your business taken any steps to protect itself financially in the event of the death of one of these key employees?
If yes, has your business implemented strategies that are having a meaningful impact on retaining your key employee(s)?

II. Business Succession 

a. Do you currently have a formal plan in place?
If yes, does it reflect your current goals regarding how you would ideally like to exit your business?

III. Retirement Planning

a. Do you have adequate retirement assets other than the business so that you're not so reliant on the business as your sole source of retirement income?

IV. Estate Planning

a. Is your estate large enough that you may be subject to federal or state estate taxes upon your death?
If yes, do you have adequate liquidity so that estate taxes do not adversely impact your ability to pass on your business to your heirs?
b. Do you have non-business heirs that you want to ensure are treated fairly as part of your estate plan?
lf yes, do you have adequate non-business assets to accomplish you treating them fairly?
c. Is your business the primary source of financial support for your family?
If yes, if something were to unexpectedly happen to you, do you feel confident that your family will be provided for?

Section 2: Listed below are the potential planning concerns covered in the questions above. Based on your answers, identify and give a brief explanation of your area of top planning concerns.

I. Business is Protected Against the Loss of Key Employees 

  • Business is protected against the death of a key employee

  • Business has implemented a plan to retain key employee(s)

Is this an area of concern for you?

II. Business Succession

  • I have a plan in place that reflects current goals to transfer or transition the business 

Is this an area of concern for you?

Ill. Retirement Planning

  • I have adequate retirement assets 

Is this an area of concern for you?

IV. Estate Planning

  • I have adequate liquidity to pay for estate taxes 

  • I have non-business assets to treat non-business heirs fairly 

  • My family will be adequately provided for in the event of my death

Is this an area of concern for you?

If you need assistance, please call us at 1-877-598-0555 or email us at


The subject matter in this communication is educational only and provided with the understanding that Corporate Financial, Inc., is not rendering legal, accounting, investment, or tax advice. You should consult with appropriate counsel, financial professionals and other advisers on all matters pertaining to legal, tax, investment, or accounting obligations and requirements. This material is not investment advice.

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